Úspešné príbehy

Spoločný vývoj dobrých riešení

JUMO v minulosti často dokazovalo, že dokáže rýchlo vyvinúť riešenia šité na mieru. Intenzívne vývojové partnerstvá medzi Vami a inžinierskym tímom JUMO vedú k skutočným inováciám.

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Flow measurement in district heating plants
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Flow measurement in district heating plants

Flow measurement in district heating plants

A new solution for flow measurement was sought for heat exchangers in a district heating plant.

Cleaning industry water
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Cleaning industry water

Cleaning industry water

In order to protect the valuable resource of water, JUMO has completely renewed its outdated wastewater plant using its own technology. Find out more!

Glass density measurement
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Glass density measurement

Glass density measurement

In collaboration with the JUMO Engineering Team, Aerne Analytic e. K. has developed a measuring instrument that enables the fully automatic density measurement of glass.

Temperature control during semiconductor production
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Temperature control during semiconductor production

Temperature control during semiconductor production

Get to know, how a JUMO thyristor power controller provides higher uniformity and faster throughput speed in semiconductor production.

Level monitoring in diesel tanks
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Level monitoring in diesel tanks

Level monitoring in diesel tanks

A manufacturer of diesel tank systems has commissioned JUMO to develop a solution for level monitoring. Read the success story!

Well monitoring
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Well monitoring

Well monitoring

For a paper factory in Fulda, JUMO Engineering has developed an automated solution for well monitoring.

Silo temperature monitoring with a system
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Silo temperature monitoring with a system

Silo temperature monitoring with a system

To protect grain against mold and pests, the temperature in grain silos is permanently monitored - with a special sensor from JUMO.

Fresh water for flower bulbs
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Fresh water for flower bulbs

Fresh water for flower bulbs

In collaboration with JUMO Netherlands KaRo B.V. developed a comprehensive solution for water treatment and remote monitoring for greenhouses.

Oven control and data archiving
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Oven control and data archiving

Oven control and data archiving

JUMO ensures reliable furnace control and thus excellent products. Learn more about the solution.

Noble grape juice thanks to cold fermentation
O nás;Úspešné príbehy;Noble grape juice thanks to cold fermentation

Noble grape juice thanks to cold fermentation

For the production of top wines, the plant engineering company Hüttenhain has developed a cooling solution with JUMO.